Make Passive income with 3 ways

 This blog reveals the 3 ways to make passive income with youtube and how complete beginners are making 100 to 700 $ a day with no experience.

Hey guys how's it going Rayyan Kashif here welcome to this blog one of the reasons why most people don't want to go ahead and try making passive income with youtube is because they just get overwhelmed right and they get hit with oh like don't I need over a thousand subscribers and more than 4 000 watch hours to go ahead and make passive income with youtube.

 No, right literally no because there are actually ways that people have no idea about that people are really making passive income with youtube with zero subscribers and literally no watch time at all I mean literally what we're going to share with you in this blog some of these people like literally some of these people have literally gone and went from zero to 30 grand a month with youtube.

 Without showing their face on camera without using their voice without literally making a bunch of videos that no one will ever see I want to make passive income with youtube but like I don't have a thousand subscribers and I don't want to make videos and I have to get like four thousand watch time to actually get my no-no right there are so many ways to make passive income from youtube and we're gonna go over all of them that I've done and that people in our community have done right.

 So let me actually just break down my story right because when I first started right I had like some econ business and I started traveling around the world and I was like you know what I want to be like this motivational speaker that like talks in front of people like this is me in Spain this is me in Barcelona and I just wanted to get good at talking while people were behind me I just thought it was like a really good look right.

 Let me do motivational speaking while there are people walking behind me because I wanted to work on my confidence but obviously back at that time no one was watching right but I started getting really good at creating content when I was like like very camera shy in the beginning just look at these I'm like oh very shy I'm like oh do I say this very very bad.

Now, this is just one way I'm showing my face on camera but like I said the third way you don't even have to show your face on camera right, and then one day what happened is out of these videos you know I don't really get that many views back in the day five years ago 900 views 500 views but then I made this blog and it blew up and I just talked about online business ideas for beginners.

 Now I made this blog on accident with this title I did not know why I got so many views but a lot of people started asking me about this software right here which is Shopify that's how you build your own e-commerce store and I started realizing well if I'm already recommending people to Shopify.

I might as well sign up for their affiliate program, okay an affiliate program is you recommend a product they give you a cut out of whatever you sold, and out of nowhere literally when I didn't have many subscribers at all I started getting a hundred dollars a day in commissions not depending on youtube AdSense or getting monetized by youtube.

Check this out this was literally like not too far in my journey I just made a couple of videos of me traveling wasn't doing anything wasn't making passive income on youtube bam I made this blog and after that video, I started making passive income because literally I ranked for this blog right look at this if I type in the word online business ideas for a look at this for beginners.

 I accidentally put this in the title and I started getting more views and you could do this with anything guys like check this out I even did this with weird words like if I just type in jump rope transformation right and then look this thing 30 days oh let me go ahead and try it right I literally made a video about that if you literally look I'm on the first page I'm on the first-page man and I nearly got a million views okay.

 So the first way to make money with youtube is don't focus on AdSense but literally just see what it is that you want to talk about type it in you wanna I don't know talk about like uh like food right look at all these food prep food insider food ASMR these are all these things that you can start putting in your title and because it's in your title you will be found for.

 I've done weird things for this even right if I just type in this word right you probably don't know what this is but this is from like napoleon hill I've ranked for this keyword right and check this out it literally got me a hundred and two thousand views, okay so it doesn't work yes it works in any niche and the coolest thing about this is.

 If you just create content with the title with the thing that like youtube recommends and you just recommend products that you're already using that's one of the fastest ways to make passive income because number one you didn't create the product and number two you don't have to do the shipping handling and customer service.

 Now, what's the second way that you can make really good passive income from youtube right instead of like depending sending them to all these like one-off videos what I started doing is started collecting their email address why because then I could just email stuff whenever I find products that you know they want right and you can see this check.

 This out right look at this is exactly how I made like 340 000 in that commission I reached out and asked what products do you want right and then when they told me what products that they wanted I would find the products some people wanted like e-commerce products so I went to and have these launches where they literally go ahead and create like products where they'll give you 50 percent of the profits right.

 And I would sell them that other people are like I want to learn amazon so I was like okay what's one of the best amazon courses right now what's ones that you know like people that worked with Richard Branson Damon john Robert Kiyosaki dave Asprey right and I'm like oh amazing selling machine and check this out they literally do 2 000 per commission 2 000 per commission.

 So if I make a bunch of videos and they're like oh we want these products and then I started collecting their email address if I want to go ahead and sell them something that they already want I'll just write something interesting or funny or a story about something that happened to me in Bali and I'll relate it to you know the product that it is that I'm selling right.

 And the coolest thing about this is because I built you know that audience from like youtube and I bring them on my email list if I want to sell a product that they want I can either choose to create the product myself which is not passive income or I can literally give my people my email list exactly what they want and that's an expert that can actually satisfy and fulfill their need and recommend it to them.

 All I do is I'm not the expert I just say hey hi a little bit of my story and then I edify a leader I edify an expert and they do the selling right and obviously, it has done really well for me in terms of affiliate marketing now the third way to make passive income from youtube now this is one of the best ways because you don't have to show your face on camera you don't have to constantly make a bunch of content right.

 Let me show you exactly what it is it's literally this channel see this channel no videos no content right all they do is they run ads right and they have a youtube channel where you can see they have this one ad only three minutes long 25 million views and guess what they never show their face on camera.

 Check this out let me play it let me play right here this is contacts you must see this a Japanese Nobel so that's literally how you know these people have made a lot of money right they literally take this one video that they create which we show you how to create and they use robot voices and robots to generate this video.

 This ad never shows their faces on camera showing 25 million views and sending them to Clickbank products which is by the way free to get started with where you know they're like.

 For example, e-commerce supplements where 1100 people made money with this in the past 30 days and they have higher commissions 148 you know dollars commission so imagine how many sales these people made when they got 25 million views sending them to a product where they get 148 dollars commission.

 Do you see how lucrative that is one of the best ways to make passive income on youtube right now because they don't have to show their face on camera they don't have to literally make a bunch of videos they just need one three minute video and they don't even sell their own products it's one of the highest tier levels to make password income right now on youtube it's literally what all these people are doing right now?

 I'll see you guys on the next blog Thank you...

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