How To Make Money From Home With Canva

What I've done is I've worked out 
the average they are making per sale and they've made 21 000 sales so if I time that by the average that I've worked out these guys have made over 200 000 make money online doing this same method what's going on guys welcome back to another tutorial in this blog I'm going to show you how to make money online with canvas and this is a very simple easy step to understand and I'm going to take you through everything that you need to know in this tutorial now the best part about this method is you won't need your own website that can be a massive roadblock for people. Because they don't know how to go and code or build a website and it can take a lot of time to do that so with this particular method of making money with canvas you won't need to go and create your own website to do this so that eliminates a huge roadblock and I'm going to take you through everything that you need to know in a few simple steps this is very easy to understand and there's not a lot of steps we actually need to go through to do this particular method now what you can expect from this blog is you're going to be taken through a quick and easy 10-minute guide showing you all the steps that you need to know so you can learn this method in the next 10 minutes and I'm going to take you through all of that step by step showing you how to make money now remember guys my blog are for educational purposes only I do these blog to show you what's working for other people online and there's no guarantee of results i'm doing these blogs to help you understand how you can go and make money on the internet and i bring up blogs every single day so that follow me let's jump into this tutorial and i'll show you how to make money on canva guys so in this blog i'm going to show you how to make money with canva online now if you don't know what canva is what it does is we can use this to essentially create things online um like and it's got templates that we can use to go and create these specific things now we'll get more into what canva does how it works and how we can use it to make money online in a second but i just wanted to give you a bit of an overview just in case you don't know what canva is so the first thing you want to do is you actually want to go to what we call the google keyword planner now google actually has nothing to do with this but what i do is i use the google keyword planner to see if specific templates are popular right now so let me show you an example this is free to use you can just go and put keyword planner into google i'm going to go discover new keywords and i want you i want to make sure it's on all locations and all i do is i put in a bunch of template keywords here so for example if we go to social media i might put in facebook template instagram template facebook cover template youtube template tik tok video template let me show you an example here if i put an instagram so what i've done is i've put an instagram template into this keyword tool and what it's told me is there is around about let's just say 70 000 to struct a little bit seventy thousand to sixty thousand people per month now this isn't completely accurate but per month searching for instagram templates online so we know that there's people searching for these specific templates so what we can do is we can actually utilize these stats um to go and make money we know that there's a demand for instagram templates so you can use the keep uh the google keyword planner to kind of see what's popular you can put in youtube template so if we put in youtube template or you can put in like youtube thumbnails or something like that we get some results here we can see that it's a little bit lower so this gets around about 14 000 view searches per month so we'll stick with the instagram template but just do some re research and see what's popular see what kind of templates are popular and there's there's a reason why we want to do this so now in canva what we're going to do is we're going to use instagram template for our tutorial right now so we're going to go to canva and my other window.
Hey i'm actually logged in and i'm going to get rid of this one here so what you want to do is you want to go up to um to so sign up to canva you can get a free account go to create a design and then i want to go to instagram post okay and then what we can do here is we can create based off these templates here specific instagram posts now you might be thinking well i don't need an instagram post why would i need to make an instagram post well we can actually make money by doing this so as you can see on the side here there's all of these types of templates  that we can choose and we can just click a template and then we can move the move it around we can change the text and all that sort of stuff right so canberra is essentially a platform that we can use to create graphics logos banners and templates so this is what we call an instagram template we can move this around we can change this image we can do all sorts of stuff now that's awesome but how do you actually make money by doing this let me explain so we know that there's people online searching for instagram templates to purchase instagram templates so what we can actually do is we can go to a website called etsy and if we go up to the search bar and we put an instagram templates instagram template what we can actually see so it's here is like an online website where people sell things they sit they sell all sorts of things toys furniture clothing all sorts of things but what we can actually see here is people are selling instagram templates so what people do is they come to etsy and they look for instagram templates and they purchase them right because they need them for their instagram so if we click on this one here 70 plus instagram templates now we can actually see if these are popular or not so these people are selling them for 35 dollars and 34 in my currency if we go down we can click on the reviews it's got 200 reviews and we can click on newest and there was a recent review recently now usually um this doesn't mean that this is all the people that have purchased but usually you know one person will review out of 20 or 30 purchases maybe but we can see that people are actually purchasing this particular set of templates if we go back here we've got another one here 48 editable templates this is probably a better example because it's lower templates and not as nice as the other ones but you can see that these templates here they have reviews um not as many but they do have a few reviews so people probably not really buying this one but if we go back here we have some more so you can do like beauty templates puzzle templates here we have inspirational quote templates but if we actually organized by um top customer reviews so these are getting lots of reviews 200 reviews 200 reviews 14 reviews 85 reviews 800 reviews this is a wedding one 800 reviews now it says wedding instagram story bundle story template instagram um and in stock and people can purchase these particular templates okay and they're getting like lots of reviews guys so just based off the reviews 800 are the this is for the store but they probably sell the same thing but based off these reviews they've sold 826 you know templates so we can actually make money by doing this there's all sorts of um things that we can do like we could do maybe sports templates yep so instagram sports templates this one right here nine instagram tech and fitness uh template gym templates so what we can actually do is we can go back to canva right here and i can go down and i can put in something like sports okay um so let's do gym so here's a here's a sports one there's all of these sports ones you can choose from some of them you need to have the pro version right so i'm going to pick this one here because i like this one and what we can actually do is we can do different versions of this so you might be thinking well how do i go and get a picture because you probably can't use this picture what you can do is you can head over to google and put on royalty free images you can actually go to these websites like pixabay and they've got royalty free images that you can use that are not copyrighted but you do need to read the license to make sure that you can actually use the image so if we go to there's all these pictures that you could potentially use if you've got a  license it will tell you whether you are allowed to uh make money from these images and templates and stuff so make sure you just read the license and that sort of stuff but essentially you can edit whatever you want on this particular banner right here this template and you can go and make template packs okay here's another one here here's another free one you can edit whatever you want and all you've got to do is go download and then you can download this to your computer and it will download it for you and then all you do is you create an instagram pack and then what you want to do see here's a gym one here's another gym one there's so much stuff you can do and you can actually go to more here you can do styles so let's do this one for example it changes the color okay so you could actually do the same banner so the same template i should say and you can change the color by going to the style section and clicking on the different color styles so you could have like 20 templates the same template but in different color styles and you could sell that and so what you do is once you've created your your canva packs or your pack of templates what you want to do is you want to go to you want to sign up and you want to create a listing just like these people have here and there's really you can't really run out of ideas we've got youtube thumbnails you can also sell youtube thumbnails as well thumbnail packs so there's really so many different ideas you can do go and create these types of packs if you want an easy way to do it just do the  same type of template or a couple of the same types of templates and then change the color schemes it's a really simple way to make a template pack quickly now at the start of this video i did tell you some more places that you could actually make money doing this another place is called creative market so creative market is kind of like etsy but more for creative people are more for creative stuff um you know you can do so here we go here another instagram templates more templates ebook templates so this is called sell your banner templates on and on
And you can potentially make money with canvas by creating these packs and selling them online all right guys that's a quick way to make money on canvas if you want some more blogs on how to make money online I'll leave them up on the screen right now completely free for you to read don't forget to follow smash that like button tap that notification bell and I'll see on one of the blogs Thank you so much, guys .....